Marriage – You’re Doing It Wrong

When couples look for marriage help they’ve often been going around in circles of frustration and resentment for so long that part of my job is to remind them how to speak nicely to one another. It’s odd really because the same people can usually communicate perfectly nicely with all the other people in the life. If familiarity is breeding contempt in your marriage, then the fact is – you’re doing it wrong!

Importantly, you ‘d better get skilled up now and get back on track because research tells us that nothing kills love and leads to divorce faster or more mercilessly than criticism, contempt, aggression and defensiveness.

Don’t know where to start making it better? The fact is that if you’ve gotten into negative and distancing patterns you’re both going to have to do some serious work to get to the bottom of what’s causing that horror stuff. However, just to start dealing with it and getting onto a better relationship trajectory you’ll need to get communication right. Here’s a simple model called the OCEAN method of communication. It’s all about getting couple communication right and it’s taught by many therapists.

The OCEAN Model of Communication

O = Owning the problem

Blaming and shifting responsibility works about as well for solving problems as running away or closing your eyes and pretending it isn’t happening! To take responsibility and get into resolution mode you may have to change the way you think about the issue E.g., Owning your part in the problem rather than blaming and resenting your partner as the only contributor.

C = Change your thinking

When you decide to look at an issue from both sides you might start to see that you are empowered to change your perspective and subsequently your behaviour. You can step out of your part in the dysfunctional cycle and slow it right down.

E = Express the problem in a way that engages rather than offends

E.g., ‘’I feel upset when I believe I’m doing all the housework. I’d love to have your help and work as a team.’’

Is a whole lot more potentially engaging and healing than:

‘’You’re so slack, you never help me around the house. You don’t care about me!’’

A = Ask for help assertively

Nobody can mind-read. Ask for what you want rather than complaining and criticising.

N = Negotiate

Sometimes you might have to give your partner’s requests a chance. Don’t be too stuck in your perspective. Listen and you may learn something new. Justifying your position and refusing to see other perspectives is the best way to stay stuck in what’s not working for you.

For more relationship help and practical ways to rekindle communication and passion in your relationship check out the free online couple retreat real strategies in your own time and space to maximise your connection and happiness.

Just BE the love that you ARE.