Showing 28 Result(s)
Martha Graham Divinely Dissatisfied

Do You Need To Be Dissatisfied to be Motivated?

Do you need to be dissatisfied in life to be driven to succeed? Is satisfaction a lame, insipid word to you that means giving up, and just settling for mediocre when we should be going for bigger, faster, better, stronger, harder? In fact, does satisfaction even exist, or do we always want for more? And, are these key reasons …


Am I Normal to Often Feel Dissatisfied?

Blessed with riches and possibilities far beyond anything imagined by ancestors who tilled the unpredictable soil of medieval Europe, modern populations have nonetheless shown a remarkable capacity to feel that neither who they are nor what they have is quite enough. Alain de Botton.   Continuing from my previous post, here’s the second installment in my series …

chronic dissatisfaction

Do You Suffer Chronic Dissatisfaction?

I am tired of myself tonight. I should like to be somebody else. Oscar Wilde   Chronic Dissatisfaction (let’s just call it CD) stalked me for years. Do you know CD? The symptoms include restlessness, needing more of something indefinable and always shifting, feeling like you’re not there yet (but wondering where the hell there is.) …

Leaving the Badlands and healing

Leaving the Badlands

Let me fall if I must. The one I become will catch me. Baal Shev Tom From my twenties, I recall this image. I was standing on the edge of a crevasse, not just a cliff, a dark, vast jagged wound in the ground, an abyss where I couldn’t see the bottom. Around it was …

Dr Debra Campbell at Fifty

Fifty at Fifty

I’m a couple of weeks from the half-century mark of life…yes, 50, really…I know, I look great 😉 especially with a little airbrushing. But seriously, I’ve been super wary about owning it because of cultural meanings of 50 and because of my own prejudices. Will people see me differently, judge me based on my age if …


Self-Criticism Lady & External Validation Girl

  I was looking forward to working on a piece I’d left unfinished in favour of other things for too long. However, when my butt hit the seat I found myself struggling to flow despite desire. I sat staring. I’d found a window of time, so why couldn’t I seize the moment? Two noisy, wrestling …

How to rewire your brain

Dealing with Childhood Wounds in Adulthood

Here’s a piece I contributed to MindBodyGreen. It’s about dealing with childhood wounds so they stop ruling your world in the present. To go deeper, grab a copy of my book Lovelands on Amazon or Audible. Enjoy!

love versus depression

Love Vs Depression

So Pete left, and there I was – another failed relationship, another week without an acting job, my bank account dwindling almost as fast as my frail self-esteem. As weeks dragged by, I felt increasingly out of control and I was fast sinking into depression. I was strangely overcome with grief about losing Pete although …

On Writing Lovelands

On Writing Lovelands

  Lovelands is about embracing your demons; being the hero of your own life, through courage, self-awareness and love.   Lovelands is part memoir, part self-help for any soul who wants to more deeply understand emotional health and freedom, and how to create the life and relationship they desire. It’s about finding your way through challenges that …


The Non-Negotiables of Step-Parenting

Step-parenting is tricky, not least because it means blending two cultures, cultures which can have as many hidden, nuanced differences and preferences, as obvious ones. They may have different communication styles, different ideas about humour, making rules, how to run the home, and different expectations about parent-child interactions and sibling relationships.To make things trickier, the subtleties and …