Showing 51 Result(s)
Attachment Styles

Attachment Styles

John Donne’s ‘A Valediction: forbidding mourning’ concerns a sea voyage and uses the image of a circle as an antidote to the abyss of loss and separation. He pictures the invisible but precious bonds which link carer and cared-for, lover and beloved in an attachment relationship as slender threads of gold. Jeremy Holmes Long before …

#brokenheart, how to survive a broken heart

How to Survive a Broken Heart

  This is a good sign, having a broken heart. It means we have tried for something. Elizabeth Gilbert   That’s a half-smile quote I guess, from Elizabeth Gilbert. I mean, what can anyone really say when we’re dealing with heartache at the loss of a relationship? It’s been a long time (thankfully) since I’ve …

I Finally Understand Tough Love

I always thought the idea of Tough Love was a joke. A dinosaur of an idea. Mildly sadistic even. But I’ll come back to that. Let’s talk dogs for a minute because they represent for me, pure emotion. And it’s dawned on me that the place where tough love can be be necessary, is in …

Everyday Self Compassion

Finding Everyday Self-Compassion

Last night, satisfied but really tired, I got to rest after a few days intense work. Helping people find acceptance and self-compassion, is a big part of my job as a therapist. Many people are stuck in pain about the past, or anxiety about the future. Compassion and insight open the door to freedom. I …


Love is The Cure for Dissatisfaction

Ultimately, love is the cure for dissatisfaction. I don’t mean love of another person, but love of your own life. But how do we get there from feeling lost and unhappy with the way things are? Understanding Chronic Dissatisfaction (CD), and accepting that it’s a common experience, is the first part of transforming it into …

Martha Graham Divinely Dissatisfied

Do You Need To Be Dissatisfied to be Motivated?

Do you need to be dissatisfied in life to be driven to succeed? Is satisfaction a lame, insipid word to you that means giving up, and just settling for mediocre when we should be going for bigger, faster, better, stronger, harder? In fact, does satisfaction even exist, or do we always want for more? And, are these key reasons …

Leaving the Badlands and healing

Leaving the Badlands

Let me fall if I must. The one I become will catch me. Baal Shev Tom From my twenties, I recall this image. I was standing on the edge of a crevasse, not just a cliff, a dark, vast jagged wound in the ground, an abyss where I couldn’t see the bottom. Around it was …

Dr Debra Campbell at Fifty

Fifty at Fifty

I’m a couple of weeks from the half-century mark of life…yes, 50, really…I know, I look great 😉 especially with a little airbrushing. But seriously, I’ve been super wary about owning it because of cultural meanings of 50 and because of my own prejudices. Will people see me differently, judge me based on my age if …

love versus depression

Love Vs Depression

So Pete left, and there I was – another failed relationship, another week without an acting job, my bank account dwindling almost as fast as my frail self-esteem. As weeks dragged by, I felt increasingly out of control and I was fast sinking into depression. I was strangely overcome with grief about losing Pete although …

Lovelands by Debra Campbell

Navigating Your Lovelands on ABC

Lovelands by Debra Campbell is about navigating your Lovelands, the land of your relationships and inner longings. Author Dr Debra Campbell spoke with Amanda Smith on Life Matters on the ABC. Debra spoke of her own relationship challenges, about love and about writing the Amazon best-selling Lovelands. It’s central theme is becoming your own hero …